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Classroom and Distance Learning Systems


Our computer based pilot training solution, ETHOS, offers airlines and training organizations the ability to extend the theoretical pilot training environment far beyond the classroom. Providing remote access to a wide range of learning content and training tools from their tablet device or computer, as part of a distance learning training structure.

Systems Knowledge Suite

Systems knowledge combines the tools necessary to master cockpit familiarization, aircraft systems, general subjects and FMS skills. This single program provides the student with valuable interactive training in a self-paced learning environment integrated with the learning management system (LMS).

ipad application with aircraft systems & general subjects

Aircraft Systems & General Subjects

Self-paced instruction, demonstrations, self-assessment, practice scenarios, remediation, and testing are brought together in these comprehensive training tools. These features provide greater knowledge retention when compared to traditional page-turning computer based training.

ipad application with cockpit familiarization

Cockpit Familiarization

This provides pilots with a self-study tool to help prepare for the oral exam and checkride through an educational cockpit experience. This tool features cockpit panel information ensuring accuracy and clear functional descriptions of each switch, push-button, and light/annunciator.

ipad application with fms skills

Flight Management System (FMS) Skills

The dedicated flight management systems (FMS) skills focuses on all the skills needed to understand and master the use of the CDU/FMS. The scenario-based lesson teaches steps of Flight Management Systems, autoflight, and navigation during all phases of flight using a line-oriented scenario. The Flight Management System skills comprises capabilities skills during preflight, taxi, takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, arrival, and approach.

ipad application with practice exam

Practice Exam

A practice exam is a self-study tool provided throughout all self-paced/distance learning aircraft systems courses to measure the trainee's comprehension of the topics covered. Quick exams, custom exams, and a review of previous exams are available.

Procedure Training Suite

Harnessing technology within a single tablet application, your pilots can target procedure training to better practice and prepare before instructor-led training. Procedure skills lessons and interactive procedure practice tools include cockpit flows, exterior preflight, and profiles & callouts. The tools are ideally suited for self-paced learning in advance of instructor-led sessions making the overall training journey more effective and efficient.

ipad application with cockpit flows

Cockpit Flows

Cockpit flows self-study tool provides an easy-to-use platform for pilots to commit to memory their phase of flight tasks through practice and comprehensive reference material. Pilots learn more than just a simple flow pattern as they memorize and understand all the necessary steps of their procedure.

ipad application with procedure skills

Procedure Skills

Procedure skills are presented in a tutorial-based courseware environment that teaches and demonstrates normal standard operating procedures. Detailed demonstrations of expanded procedures, checklists, cockpit flows, callouts, and other related tasks are organized by phase of flight.

ipad application with profiles & callouts

Profiles & Callouts

With profiles and callouts, pilots no longer need to struggle with demonstrating their knowledge of cockpit roles and tasks during instructor-led training. This training tool provides an intuitive and flexible environment for each pilot to review, understand and memorize their profile callouts and related tasks.

ipad application with exterior preflight

Exterior Preflight

Exterior preflight provides pilots with a self-study tool to learn and understand exterior aircraft preflight walk-around locations, components and procedures. This training tool provides a relevant platform by which pilots can conduct an exterior preflight using pictorial graphics of stations around the aircraft supplemented by more detailed component images and explanations.

ipad application with freeplay fms

Free play FMS

Our free play flight management systems (FMS) trainer provides pilots with the opportunity to develop and practice flight management skills in high fidelity, free play environment. All required avionics are fully integrated, while aerodynamics and engine models offer the capability to set the thrust, flaps/slats, speed brakes, and landing gear to allow for a genuine experience within the aircraft's operating envelope.

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