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Teaching & Learning Part 1 Course

Course overview

This classroom-based course completed over 25 hours will enable the trainee to understand learning methods and facilitated teaching/learning techniques.

Course content

The competence of the instructor candidate is developed through training that is both theoretical and practical. Practical elements include the development of specific instructor skills, particularly in teaching and assessing threat and error management and crew resource management (CRM).

Special attention is given to the candidate instructor's approach and judgment, including their understanding of behavioral attitudes and variable levels of learning ability. During the training course, the candidate instructor will become aware of their attitude towards the importance of flight safety.

tki instructor training in classroom

Course footprint

The course, delivered over 3.5 days (25 hours) at the London Training Center, will cover the core competencies of being a successful instructor, including:

• Training philosophies
• Evaluation of trainee performance
• Learning processes
• Methods of teaching/training
• Creating an environment for progressive learning
• Practical briefing, debriefing, and assessment techniques

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